Beneath the mild-mannered exterior of this former journalist, lies the heart, soul (and voice) of a real character. A traveling band of characters to be exact.
My name is synonymous with versatility. If you need a confident and sexy voice to sell a product, a warm and friendly read to expand a viewer’s knowledge, or a silly character to entertain a child, my expressive performances draw you in.
I specialize in commercial reads that are real, authoritative, wry, nurturing, flirtatious and sophisticated. In short, this girl’s got range. If performing animated voices were a sport, I’d be a utility player. I can perform naughty little kids, sassy teenagers, powerful heroines, grouchy old ladies and accents from around the globe with ease.
McDonald’s, GEICO, Home Chef, Nix Ultra and Publix have trusted my voice with their brand. So should you. Check out my demos and see what a real character I am.
My broadcast-quality home studio is equipped with:
a Whisper Room
Sennheiser MKH 416 and Miktek CV-3 microphones
a Motu M2 pre-amp, and
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